In this article, we will present instructions for sharing forms to the client.

Questions answered in this article:

  • How do I share a form with my client?

  • Where can I access and share a form from the client chart modal?

  • Would my client receive an email notification that a form has been shared on their client portal?

  • If I accidentally shared a wrong form, is it possible to unshare it?

Related articles:

There are two ways you can share the form with the client.

  1. Forms Modal

  2. Client Chart Modal

Note: Please make sure that the form is marked as published if you want to share a form to the client.


How do I easily share a form in Therabyte? (from the Forms Modal)

  1. Go to Management and click Forms.

  2. Select a form from the list and proceed to open it.

3. Once the form is open, navigate to the top and click the "Share" button.

  1. In Select Form, choose and select a Published Form then click the Next button.

  1. In  Select Recipients, Choose a Client name from the dropdown list. You may use the Search textbox to filter the client list.

Note: You can choose whether to share a form to one (1) or more contacts associated with the client. Please be advised that the contact should have their online access enabled.

  1. Select recipient by clicking the Client or Primary Contact’s toggle button. Click the Next button to proceed.

  1. In Confirm & Share, click the Share Form button to proceed.

  1. System will prompt a notification that the form has been shared.

Sharing a Form through the Client Chart Modal 

  1. Select a Client in the Clients page.

  1. In the Clinical Info Tab, scroll down and click the Share button beside Client Forms.

  1. Select form to share from the drop down list.

  1. Click the Next button to proceed.

  1. Select recipient by clicking the Client or Primary Contact’s toggle button. Click the Next button to proceed.

  1. In the Confirm & Share stage, click the Share Form button to proceed.

  1. System will prompt a notification that the form has been shared.

Important: Your client will receive an email notification containing a form that has been shared with them. Please note that this is a sample email notification that your clients will receive. 

Can I unshare a Form?

  1. To unshare the shared form, go to the Client Modal > Client Forms and click the X button in the status column.

Note: You can only unshare a form in the Client Chart modal if it has not been responded to yet.