Questions answered in this article:

  • How long can the password reset or welcome email password link remain valid?
  • How can one customize the token expiry time for enhanced security?
  • What are the recommended options for token expiry duration?

Customizing the duration of token validity ensures flexibility and security in managing user access. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you tailor these settings according to your preferences.

To customize the default time for token expiry:
  1. Start by navigating to your clinic settings.
  2. Within the settings, click on the 'General' tab and find the section for app settings.
  3. Look for the token expiry duration settings within the app settings. Choose from durations like 24 hours, 36 hours, the default 48 hours, or extended periods like 1 week.
  4. After selecting your preferred token expiry duration, save the changes to ensure they apply to password reset and welcome emails.

NOTE: It's recommended to keep this duration at the default setting or even lower for increased security.