Questions answered in this article:

  • How to upload files to a client profile?
  • Where can you find uploaded files?
  • How to download files from the client modal?
  • What are the steps involved in both uploading and downloading files?

Related Articles:

Note: Ensure your file names are clear and descriptive for easy identification.

Uploading Files

  1. Choose a client from the client list.
  2. Click on the client's name to access the client modal. Navigate to the files section, then click the dropdown arrow and choose "Upload."

    OR select "Uploads" and then click the upload button.

  3. Opt to either drag and drop the file directly or use the provided link for uploading. Once the file is uploaded, click "Done." Your file has been successfully uploaded and can be located in the "Uploads" section.

Downloading Files

  1. Choose File Source: Depending on where the file is stored (Notes, Uploads, or Note Attachments), navigate to the corresponding section.
  2. Once in the desired section, find the file you wish to download. Under the "Action" column, click on the "Download" button.