Questions answered in this article:

  • How do I approve or decline an online booking set by a client?
  • Can I automatically approve incoming bookings?


View the instructional video(s) on this topic below:


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NOTE: If you haven't enabled Automatically Approve Incoming Bookings from the landing page settings, the following steps outline how to manually approve online booking requests initiated by your clients. To streamline this process, you can toggle ON the setting to automatically accept bookings.




Here are the steps to approve Online Booking Appointments made by Clients:

1. Access your scheduler under My office.



2. Locate and click on the unconfirmed appointment within the scheduler.



3. Upon opening the modal, review the client details and the booked service. You'll have the option to either approve or decline the appointment.



4. Once you've made your decision, an email notification will be automatically sent to the client, confirming that you have approved the appointment.


5. After approval, the event will then be displayed in your scheduler.


A calendar with numbers and a date

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