The My Performance Analysis is available to all users with a Practitioner role.

The Performance Analysis feature allows you to:

  • View your performance at a glance. 
  • Breakdown of hours spent on direct vs. indirect vs. unaccounted hours

Let's break down the features:


Users can customize their analysis by filtering data for a specific timeframe. Simply click the Edit button in the upper right corner. You can choose from options like This Week, This Month, or This Year, or select custom dates.


The default graph here is This month. This feature presents a visually appealing graph that offers an instant view of a practitioner's performance. Users can view the distribution of their time spent on direct and indirect tasks, billable and non-billable hours, and unaccounted-for hours. Currently, this report pulls data from the client events only.

  • Hours by Staff
    Graphical representation of the hours worked by the user.

  • Cumulative vs Non-Cumulative
    Cumulative means adding things up over time to find a total. Non-cumulative means looking at things separately without adding them up. If you're tracking someone's hours non-cumulatively, you're just looking at each day's hours individually.

  • Legend
    Important: Events with multiple clients are considered billable if at least one client has billable attendance. They are non-billable if all clients have non-billable attendance. All billable items will be marked as unaccounted if the associated event has no client attendance.
    • Billable: Hours from events with attendance confirmed. Excludes non-billable services.
    • Non-Billable: Hours from events marked as non-billable attendance. Excludes non-billable services.
    • Unaccounted: Hours from sessions with no attendance marked. 
    • Direct: Hours from direct client events/sessions.
    • Indirect: Hours from indirect client events/sessions.

  • 100% Stacked Bar
    A visual representation where each bar is divided into segments that represent different categories. Each segment's length is proportional to its percentage of the total, with the entire bar representing 100%.

Displays the breakdown of the number of sessions that are billable, non-billable, unaccounted, direct, and indirect.