Questions answered in this article:
- Can I add multiple practitioners to sign the notes of a client?
- How to add the practitioners that would need to sign a note?
View the instructional video(s) on this topic below:
- Notes: Multiple Practitioners assigned (4 min video)
- Notes: Multiple Signatures (2 min video)
Related articles:
1. To add multiple authors or practitioners to sign a note, go to the Notes tab by clicking Notes under My Office.
2. Navigate to the Client tab where you will find the list of clients with notes. To access detailed information and configurations for a specific session or note, simply click on the title of the note or session.
3. To initiate the setup for multiple authors, locate and click the Edit button from the options of the top right corner.
4. To include multiple authors or practitioners, navigate to the Author dropdown menu and select the desired authors from the available options. Once you've chosen multiple authors, this note will appear in their respective practitioner portals for their reference.
5. To sign this note, click Sign.
6. To finalize the signing of the note, click the Sign button on the bottom of the verification modal.
7. Within your client list, confirmation that you've successfully signed a note is indicated below Status. To review pending authors or practitioners who are yet to sign or have already signed the note, simply click on the session title.
8. Hover over the signature icon located on the right side of the attendance to reveal a list of authors along with their signing status.