Questions answered in this article:
How do I make use of the Text Editor?
How do I attach a link using the text editor?
Can I change the font color and size of a note or session event?
You can find the text editor in the following areas within Therabyte:
Scheduler Tab
Notes Tab
Client Chart Modal: Clinical Info Tab
Form Builder - Terms of Service Built-in block
Templates Tab
Main Features
- To bold, italicize, or underline a text, click either the Bold, Italicized and Underline icon.
- To change the font size, choose your preferred Font Size from the dropdown.
- To change the font color, choose your preferred Font color or use the Color Picker from the dropdown.
- To add a numbered list, click the Numbered list icon. To add a numbered list, click the Bulleted list icon. To add a checkbox, click the Checklist icon
- To format a paragraph, click the Paragraph Format icon.
- To add an image, click the Image icon.
- To add a table, click the Table icon.
Other Text Editor features
Note: This feature only appears when you highlight a word or phrase and want to attach a link to it.
To insert a link to a text, click the Link icon.