Questions answered in this article:

  • How do I make use of the Text Editor?

  • How do I attach a link using the text editor?

  • Can I change the font color and size of a note or session event?

You can find the text editor in the following areas within Therabyte:

  • Scheduler Tab

  • Notes Tab

  • Client Chart Modal: Clinical Info Tab

  • Form Builder - Terms of Service Built-in block

  • Templates Tab

Main Features

  1. To bold, italicize, or underline a text, click either the Bold, Italicized and Underline icon.
  2. To change the font size, choose your preferred Font Size from the dropdown.
  3. To change the font color, choose your preferred Font color or use the Color Picker from the dropdown.
  4. To add a numbered list, click the  Numbered list icon. To add a numbered list, click the Bulleted list icon. To add a checkbox, click the Checklist icon
  5. To format a paragraph, click the Paragraph Format icon.
  6. To add an image, click the Image icon.
  7. To add a table, click the Table icon.

Other Text Editor features

Note: This feature only appears when you highlight a word or phrase and want to attach a link to it.

  1. To insert a link to a text, click the Link icon.