Q: When Deleting a Client, What Information Gets Deleted?

A: When deleting a client, the system undergoes several updates to ensure data integrity and seamless management of multi-client events, billing, and client records.

Client Deletion Overview:

  • Deleting a client removes them from both client and user lists.
  • The client's first name is changed to #DELETED, and all other fields are set to null.
  • The system ensures that Smart Trees linked to the client will not be accessible after deletion.

Multi-Client Event Handling:

  • In events involving multiple clients, when one is deleted, their name is replaced with #DELETED.
    Important: Any notes associated with the deleted client in a multi-client event become inaccessible, and users cannot switch to or view the event note for that client.

Billing and Invoice Management:

  • Raw Data Reports: Billing items linked to the deleted client will still display in Raw Data Reports with the client name updated to `#DELETED`.
  • Submitted Invoices: These invoices remain associated with the deleted client, but the client’s name will be updated to `#DELETED`.
  • Draft Invoices: Automatically deleted when associated with a deleted client.

Event and Recurring Pattern Management:

  • Events: All events involving a deleted client are removed. If the event is attached to a submitted invoice, it is soft deleted to maintain the association with billing items.
  • Recurring Events: Recurring patterns for single-client events are deleted. For multi-client recurring events, the deleted client is detached from the recurring pattern.

Data Integrity for Deleted Clients:

Upon deletion of a client, all associated data is removed to ensure data integrity, including:

  • Diagnoses, visit preferences, forms, and practitioners.
  • Notes, attachments, and any client-uploaded files are deleted alongside the client’s profile.