Questions answered in this article:

  • How can I add a third party contact to a client?

  • Can I edit or remove a third party contact?

  • What is the importance of having a third party contact with a client?


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A third-party contact for a client is an individual or organization you collaborate with, who operates outside of your own clinic. For example, if you are an Occupational Therapist at a clinic (or running your own business), a third-party contact might be a teacher, doctor, or any other professional that works with the client but is not working at your clinic.

  1. To manage a third party contact, go to the Clients page under the My Office tab.

  1. In the Clients page, click a specific client that you want to manage.

  1. In the modal, click the People tab and scroll down to the Third-Party Contact(s).

  1. To add a new Third party contact, click the +Add New button and fill out the necessary details.

5. In the organization field, you can only select existing organizations. You can also opt to edit an existing organization or add a new organization by clicking the plus sign button.

  1. If you already have an existing 3rd party contact and you want to add them to be added to the client chart, then click the +Add Existing button.

  1. Please select the organization and contact name of the existing third-party contact. If you would like the third-party contact to have access to the client portal, tick the checkbox labeled Enable Online Access.

Editing 3rd party Contact Information

If you want to edit the details of a third-party contact, select the name of the contact from the client chart or from My Office menu > Users. You may edit the details as necessary.

Removing a 3rd party contact

In case you want to delete a third-party contact, simply click the x button.