Questions answered in this article: 

  • How do I set up smart trees? 
  • How can I add trees, branches, and leaves? 
  • How do I remove trees, branches, and leaves? 
  • Can I remove the default tree? 
  • What is the use of the “hide mastered” button? 

View the instructional video(s) on this topic below: 

Related articles: 

Smart Trees in Therabyte are our framework for setting and managing goals. They are structured into three main components: 

  1. TREES - These represent categories such as programs, plans themes, domains, or groups. 

  1. BRANCHES - Branches correspond to objectives or long-term goals within a tree. 

  1. LEAVES - Leaves are individual targets or short-term goals nested within branches. 

To help you begin setting up your Smart Trees, here are the following steps for your reference: 

  1. 1. Access the client chart modal by clicking on the “Client” tab located on the side menu under “My Office” at the top left corner. 



  1. 2. Choose the Client’s name to open the client chart modal. Alternatively, you can also open the client chart modal by clicking on the magnifying glass icon located at the top bar towards the right. 

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  1. 3. Navigate to the Trees tab to add or remove trees, branches, and leaves. 

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  1. 4. Each client will have a Default Tree, which is part of the migration from the old goal system to Therabyte’s new goal tracking system. If you prefer not to use the default tree, you can create a new one and disregard the default tree.  
    Note: Currently, you cannot rename or remove the default tree. 

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  1. 5. To add a tree, click the “New Tree” button located on the right side of the screen. A modal will appear, prompting you to name the new tree and click “Save”. 
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  1. 6. After naming your tree, proceed to add branches. Click the “Add Branch” button located on the right side of the screen. Then, customize the branch’s name by clicking in the name box. You can add as many branches as required. (Example: Name of the branch is Gross Motor Skills)

  2. Note: For additional guidance on rearranging branches and leaves across trees, refer to the Editing and Sorting article. 
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  1. 7. To add a leaf, click the “Add Leaf” button located under the branch name of each tree. The new leaf will appear belowClick on its text to edit the name of the leafYou can add as many leaves as needed. (Example: name of the leaf under Gross Motor Skills is Climbing stairs)


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  1. 8. To set up your Smart trees, branches, and leaves, click the three vertical dots on the right side of the screen. There is a setup button for each level: Trees, branches, and leaves. 




  1. 9. From the dropdown menu, select SetupThis option allows you to choose a status, edit the name, add details, track the progress of client goals, and view comments. Each setup option has slightly different properties. See below for more details 


  1. Tree Setup – here you can do the following: 

  • Copy the entire tree to another client chart. 
  • Customize the tree setup. 
  • Share to a Client / Guardian. 
  • Delete the tree. 

Note: Deleting a tree will remove all branches and leaves within it. 


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  1. Branch Setup – here you can do the following: 

  • Copy the branch to another client chart. 
  • Customize the branch setup. 
  • Duplicate the branch. 
  • Share to a Client / Guardian. 
  • Delete the branch. 


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Within the branch set up, you have several options: 

  • Edit the name of the branch. 
  • View the number of leaves and comments within the branch. 
  • View the overall progress of the branch, including the combined progress of all leaves. 
  • View all leaves within the branch and their individual progress. 
  • Add custom tags of quick search. If you upgrade to the goal bank feature. 


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  1. Leaf Setup – here you can do the following: 

  • From the drop-down menu, you can select setup, duplicate, share to client / Guardian and delete the leaf. 
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  • Within the setup modal, you can change the progress of the leaf and add in details specific to achieving this goal / target. 

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  1. 10. Once you’ve finished editing your branches, you have two options to save your changes: 


  1. Click the Check button at the top of the page; or scroll down and click the Save button at the bottom.  
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  1. 11. To finalize your smart trees, click the Save button to close the client chart modal and ensure all changes are saved. 

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