Questions answered in this article:

  • How do I set up smart trees?

  • How can I add trees, branches, and leaves?

  • How do I remove trees, branches, and leaves?

  • Can I remove the default tree?

  • What is the use of the “hide mastered” button?

View the instructional video(s) on this topic below:

Related articles:

Smart Trees are how we define goals within Therabyte. They are organized into trees, branches, and leaves.

Trees = Programs, plans, themes, domains, or groups

Branches = Objective or Long-term goal

Leaves = Targets or Short-term goal


To get you started in setting up your smart trees,

  1. Open the client chart modal by clicking the Client tab from the side My Office menu in the top left corner of the application.

  1. Select the Client name and the client chart modal will deploy. You can also deploy the client chart model from the magnify glass in the top bar towards the right.

  1. Select and proceed to the Trees tab where you can add or remove trees, branches, and leaves.


  1. Notice that each client will have a Default Tree. This is part of the migration from the old goal system to the new goal tracking system of Therabyte. If you do not wish to use the default tree, you can create a new tree and ignore the default tree.

Note: Currently, you cannot change the name nor remove the default tree.


  1. To add a tree, click the New Tree button seen on the right side of the screen, a modal will open inviting you to name this tree. 


  1. Now that you have your tree named, it’s time to add branches. Click the Add branch button, on the right side of the screen and click in the name box to edit the name of this branch. You can add as many branches as you like. 

Note: See article Editing and sorting for more information on how to reorder the branches and leaves between the trees.


  1. To add a leaf, click the Add Leaf button seen under the branch name of each tree. The leave will populate below. Click on the text to edit the name of this leaf. You can add as many leaves as required. 


  1. To set up your Smart trees, branches, and leaves, click the 3 vertical dots seen on the right side of the screen. This is the setup button and there is one for each level, trees, branches, and leaves. 


  1. On the dropdown menu select Setup - this enables you to change the status, name, add details, see the progress of client goals, and view comments. You will notice that each set up has slightly different properties. See below for more details.

    1. Tree set-up - Here you can copy this entire tree to another client chart, customize the setup and delete this tree. 

Note - deleting this tree will remove all branches and leaves within it. 


  1. Branch set-up - Here you can copy this branch to another client chart, customize the setup, and duplicate or delete the branch.

Within the branch set up you have several options:

  • Editing the name of the branch

  • Viewing the number of leaves and comments within the branch

  • Viewing overall progress of the branch with progress of all leaves combined

  • View all leaves within the branch and their progress

  • Add custom tags, for quick search if you upgrade to the goal bank feature.

  1. Leaf set-up - from the drop-down menu you can, select setup, duplicate and delete the leaf. Within the set up modal you are able to:

    1. Change the progress of the leaf and add in details specific to achieving this target.

  1. Once you’ve finished editing your branches, the save button is located in two spots. Either click the Check button at the top or scroll down to click the Save button below.



  1. To finalize your smart trees, click the Save button to close the client chart modal.


Happy goal setting!!