Questions answered in this article:

  • How can I create a note template?
  • Where can I find the templates for notes?
  • Can I add a picture to a chart note?
  • How do I use the assignment box?
  • Am I able to add attachments to notes?
  • Am I able to delete a note while it is a draft?
  • What is the use of the "more" button?

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We designed Therabyte notes with the busy therapist in mind. We want to not only support practitioners in completing their documentation but also include all related information to create powerful progress notes. That includes templates, images, pdfs, and a customized title. 

Navigation bar - along the top navigation bar you will notice 5 tabs. 

1. Clients - This is a complete list of ALL client notes. You can use the search bar to find specific notes by title, and there are different filters you can apply. You can use multiple filters at the same time.


2. Team and Other - you'll find all notes created by the team and other non-client events from the scheduler. These notes serve internal team or personal purposes and are not specific to clients.

3. Templates - This is your library of note templates that can be added to any client's chart notes or progress note. For more information about templates, please refer to this article -  "Creating Note templates".

4. To-dos - This is where you keep notes about tasks that need doing, like deadlines or other client-related stuff. It helps you stay organized by showing what needs to be done for each client. You can customize this note however you like. This can also be linked to a To-Do task/event in the scheduler.

Features within each note

1. Note title default - By default, the note title combines the event type and the service type.

TIP: For better search ability, replace this default title with a customized one.

2. Utilizing templates - Templates can be added to any chart note, keep in mind when switching between different templates that it will overwrite the data that you have already entered. So if you plan to switch the template after already starting your note, be sure to select all and copy the content prior to switching the template. 

You can further customize the templates once added by adding more checkboxes, pictures, and bring in charts or tables. 

3. Adding pictures - Allows you to include visuals of your clients work from the session. Or to upload a picture of your own paper notes taken when you didn't have your computer present. Clicking on the picture will reveal the options for choosing picture alignment, rotating the photo, flipping the photo, cropping the photo, enhancing the photo and the ability to resize it.

4. Assignment - When you need to share an assignment with your client without sharing the entire contents of a chart note, you can do so directly through the client portal. Just toggle the 'Enable and Share' button located at the top right of the assignment box.

5. Adding attachments - The ability to add attachments allows you to keep a fluid chronological timeline of client related events with all documentation included in the client timeline.

An added bonus is that when an attachment has been added to a note, and that note is shared to the client via the client portal. The client will have access to the attachments. 

Simply drop a file or click to upload an attachment.

6. Comments - Once a note has been signed and you are unable to create further amendments, you still have the ability to add comments. Click the blue Add New button on the comments section. Initials of the practitioner that left the comment will display on the left side of the comment.

7. Sharing options

a. You can share the note to the client portal. Just toggle on the button to for whom you want to share the note.

b. You can download the note with or without a password.

c. Lastly, you can Email this note to the Primary Contact with or without a password.

8. Other features are on the More tab. You can review signatures by clicking on the history, duplicate a note, or archive it. Once a note is signed, you won't be able to delete it; you can only archive it.