Questions answered in this article:

  • What settings can I change on my notes tab?

  • How do I set the notes visibility for my team member(s) and office admin(s)

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- The Settings page in the Practice setup menu is only accessible to the Owner(s) of the clinic.

  1. Go to the Notes Settings page by clicking the Settings Tab in the Practice Setup menu at the top left corner.

  1. Choose and select the Notes Tab on the settings page.

  1. To manage access and visibility for clinic owner(s) and manager(s)Toggle ON or OFF the following options:

  1. All notes visibility to clinic owner

  2. All notes visibility to Manager

  3. Clinic Owner can add comments in notes

  1. To save all the changes made, click the Save button.

Advanced Notes Settings for Team accounts

*Please read this article: Team Clinic Settings - Access to Scheduler and Notes