Questions answered in this article:

  • What is the difference between saving or signing a note?
  • Why would you choose to save vs. signing?

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When saving or signing a note it is helpful to ask yourself a few questions?

  1. Have I closed the loop on this client event?
    • if you still have "todo" items related to this client event, you may choose not to sign it, as a way of indicating to yourself that there is still work related to this client event
  2. Do I need to add a picture or attachment?
    • after you sign a note you are only able to amend it for 24 hours. If you plan to make changes to the content choose to save it first and then come back and sign it later.
  3. Am I sharing this note with my client?
    • You  may choose to take a second pass over the note if you are sharing it with your client to review spelling and grammer, remember that after you sign a note you only have 24 hours to amend it before it locks.

Closing the loop - Keep in mind that after you sign a note you only have 24 hours to amend it.  You can toggle the columns to filter by draft or signed, to close the loop and sign all notes still in draft form.

Scheduler page - saving and signing

An indication that a note has not yet been signed is by 3-dot indicator on the client event. If only two dots are coloured in, then the event is still in progress and not yet signed.

1. Click the event placeholder to open the event manager

2. Proceed to the Outcome tab

3. In the event manager header tool buttons, choose whether to save or sign the note for that specific event. Once you sign the note, you will be prompted about the 24-hour grace period, wherein you will not be able to make any note changes 24 hours after signing the note.


4. After signing the note, you will notice that the event placeholder 3-dot indicator will all be filled in, based on the attendance colour.