Questions answered in this article:

  • How to add and edit a new contract?
  • How do I add a funder to the contract?
  • How do I add the services of my practice or clinic to the contract?
  • Can I remove a specific contract permanently?
  • Can I close or remove a contract without deleting them permanently?

Related articles:

Note: You can ONLY delete a contract or mark it as expired if there is nothing billed against the client.

How to add a new contract

1. Navigate to the client modal by clicking on Clients under My Office. Then, select a client from your active client list.

2. Navigate to the Finances tab. Then, click on +Add New to add a new contract.

After clicking +Add New, a form will appear. Fill in the required details.

Funder Details

  • Funder: You’ll need to specify the funder for the contract. If the desired funder isn’t listed, simply click the plus-sign button to add a new one.

  • Client-Funder Unique ID

In order to identify the client-funder relationship in an accounting application, you may edit the Client-Funder Unique ID. Just click the edit button.

Before editing the client-funder unique ID, you'll be prompted to confirm the action, as it will impact all financial records associated with that specific funder for the client.

Contract Details

a. Contact Reference # - You may input a reference number to easily identify the contract (Example: policy number) but this is not required.

b. Start and End Date of the Contract - Set the start and end date of the contract. This is required to be filled out.

Funding Preferences:

c. Allocation Type - This is how you would like to track your available funds. You may choose between By Contract or By Service.

d. Initial Budget and Current Available Balance - Enter the initial budget for this contract. The current available balance will automatically update based on the remaining funds. If needed, you can select an infinite budget by checking the box next to Infinite.

Service Overrides

To add an existing service to the contract, click the Add Existing button. If the service you want isn’t available or doesn’t exist, click Add New to create a new service.

As you add an existing service, all fields will automatically be populated based on the services you chose. The fields that you have to fill out are the Service Name, % coverage, custom fee and travel and mileage fees.


After filling out all the necessary fields in adding a contract, click the Save button.

Once saved, the contract details will be displayed for your review.

In case you want to edit some details, you may click the Edit button.