Questions answered in this article:
- How can I put all of my client's information in every invoice?
- Can I use a different ID of the client?
Related articles:
Questions addressed in this article include:
- How do I get all my clients information on every invoice?
- Categories- (these do not show up on the invoice, there are more for internal raw data reports and categorization within the program)
- Assessment
- Consultation
- Program
- Services - You would want to set up service with specific titles so that they should up on the invoice with enough detail. Examples:
- Initial Assessment,
- Communication,
- Obtaining equipment,
- Direct treatment,
- Indirect documentation,
- Contract ref # - This is could either be used for the claim number of the vendor ID and would recommend adding this to the contract. Now if they don't specify a specific amount of money to use, I would just set a number, you can always increase or decrease it. But this will allow you to set the funder.
- Contract number as vendor Id
- Contract number as vendor Id
- Registration # as vendor idea (whether you attach the vendor number to your personal details or to the contract is going to depend where you want it to appear on the invoice. Close to the Funder name or yours.
- Other id - Is located under the client modal in Edit Profile, again depending on how you want the numbers to show you. You could put the claim number as part of the contract, but probably more appropriate to have it as a personalized other
Example - ICBC claim # for client added as other id on an invoice
Example - ICD 10 code for client added as other id on an invoice.
Sample invoice with fields included