Questions answered in this article:

  • How can my client receive the email notifications?
  • Can I enable access for more than one primary contact?
  • How can a practitioner enable email notifications?

Related articles:


Email and SMS notifications (For clients) - this is enabled from the client chart modal.

Email notifications (For practitioners) - this is enabled from the account setting.

Enabling email and SMS notifications (For clients) 


If a client is an adult, notifications and online access will also be manually enabled on their profile.

If a client is a minor, choose from the People’s tab and primary contact for who will receive the online access and email notifications.

  1. Go to the Client page by clicking the Clients tab in the Practice setup from the top left corner.

  1. Choose and select a client from the list in the Client page. Then the client chart modal will appear.

  1. Proceed and select the People tab. Go to the Primary Contact(s) section.

  1. There are two options in the Primary Contact(s) section:

  1. Select the +Add New button to add a new contact for the client

  2. Select the +Add Existing button to add an already existing contact for the client

  1. To enable email notifications, online access etc, Select a primary contact and scroll down to the Contact Settings section on the modal.

  1. Select and choose which notification and access you wish the primary contact to have.

Note: It’s best to select the Enable online access and Enable email notifications box. Also, enabling this access and notifications can be done for more than one guardian.

  1. Alternatively, if the client is an adult, to enable online access and notifications, click the Edit Profile button.

  1. Proceed to the Client Settings section and choose which notifications and access you want to have.

Note: It’s best to select the Enable online access and Enable email notifications box

  1. To save the changes made, click the Save button.


            Note: On the Client Modal, click the People Tab, then go to Primary Contact.  Set the phone type to Cellphone.


Enabling email notifications (For practitioners) 

  1. Go to Account settings by clicking the Initials icon of the practitioner.

  1. Select Account settings from the options.

  1. Notice that the Practitioners account modal will appear. 

  1. Scroll down and proceed to the Email Notification Settings. Choose and select the accessibility of the practitioner.

  1. To save the changes made, click the Save button.