Questions answered in this article:
- How to troubleshoot if my client is able to log in but unable to access the video session?
Related articles:
- Troubleshooting - What if my client doesn't get the account set up email?
- Troubleshooting - Setting a password for your client
To keep your client's information safe, you have to manually enable consent for each primary contact to access the information in the portal. Go to the client chart, select the people tab, choose the primary contact, and enable consent, online access and email notifications.
- Check that email notifications and online access are enabled.
If the client is a minor, navigate to the People tab and select the primary contact to receive online access and email notifications.
If your client is an adult, Click Edit Profile in the Client Chart Modal.
Scroll down to find the Clinic Settings section. Select "Enable Online Portal Access" to grant them access to their client profile. Additionally, check "Enable Email Notifications" if you want them to receive email updates. Then click Save.