Questions answered in this article:

  • What does it mean to create a “crew” in Therabyte?
  • How do I create a “crew” for my clinic?

View the instructional video(s) on this topic below:

Related articles:

What is a Crew?

  • These are selected groups of practitioners that likely work closely together that may need access to each other's calendars, notes, and clients' information. Setting up selected groups of practitioners into “teams”, along with the settings referenced in this article allows for customization of access to client data.

Creating Crew allows you to do the following:

  • Navigate and easily narrow down the Teams calendar view

  • Allows only the members of that particular crew to view their Team calendar, clients, and notes.

  • The owner or office admin can adjust the visibility rules for the calendar and notes within a “Crew”. 

IMPORTANT: This tab is only accessible to users with Owner and/or Office Admin Role.

Steps to Create a Crew:

  1. Under Management, click on Crews.

  2. Navigate to the Crew tab and select New Crew.

  3. Choose a crew name of your preference.

  4. Assign a Manager for the crew. The Manager Role grants oversight of practitioners and provides access to clinical notes, even if the manager isn't directly assigned to a client. 

  5. Add members to the crew by selecting them from the dropdown menu. Ensure that the selected members are relevant to the crew’s function. Once done, click the Create button.

Additional Settings:

These settings can be adjusted based on the level of access you want to grant to crew members, ensuring they have appropriate permissions for viewing or managing schedules and client notes.

  • Team Calendar Settings

  • Notes Settings